Friday, December 4, 2009

It's been awhile...

How cliche is that? It's been awhile since I have posted...

Well, all things are great in job-land, I have almost been here a year in January! GO me! I love it here, it's hard to believe that something so great happened out of somthing so bad this time last year. I am still bitter as I try not to be each day at why I was tempted by another job that "sounded: better than the one I was at for 3 years. I left the one that was secure/safe and so bad for myself to one that seemed a new opportunity and promising to move on to something that had "benefits". Sometimes the choices we make are all in a fog. I worked at the job for 4 months before they cut my hours and 5 months when they let me go...WHAT? How do you not know that you cannot afford someone, 6 months before it happens. Living too high on the hog if you ask me. So true in so many ways.

I honestly was in a bad place last year. I tried to be positive and upbeat. Think that we were not getting more in debt, but we are still catching up - if that ever happens. We have paid some stuff off and continue to make payments on others but then moving in the middle of the year to higher rent and more utilities...ugh! Don't get me wrong I have allot to e thankful for, not complaining.

I have a house to live in, a beautiful family, great friends and a JOB! I see friends struggling with their jobs or lack of a job and I try to offer my support as much as I can. Because I know that this time last year I was in the same boat. Hang in there guys, I promise something will work out. Look at me.

Not saying who but somebody is turning older on Monday...yeah it's me. Happy 36 Birthday to me...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Company Retreat

We went to an AWESOME place for our annual Company Retreat! We had so much fun. I think we might go back next year on our won so that we can have a Yearly place we can go. There is a pond, swimming pool, saloon, game room, poker room and overall great atmosphere for "family" fun. Almost everyone from my work went and brought their families. We stayed in cabins, that were so cute, but could not help laughing when we walked in to put our stuff and Tanner says "where is the TV?". No son, there is not a TV. We will just have to find other things to do. And that is just what we did. We ate too much, rode horses, swam, fished, relaxed and had a blast!.

Thank you MITC and Greenhorn Ranch for such a great weekend.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tanner's Birthday

Today my baby turned 5! I cannot believe it, I still remember when my water broke, wait back up when I found out, I know exactly what I was wearing, exactly how the air smelled and exactly how I felt (Can you name that movie?)

It has been an amazing 5 years, some goobly gunked together but for the most part I remember every memory.

Thank you Tanner for being my son and Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Happy Birthday to all who share this day with my son!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Have you ever been driving, come to a 3 way stop and have someone smile at you?

Not for any reason, you don't know them, but they smiled.

Thank you stranger for putting a smile on my face...

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's finally Friday!

So, Tanner got his cast off on Wednesday, I would post some of those pictures but I currently cannot download any pictures on our computer because it died! RIP to our "puter"!!!!! It is currently with a guy I work with and he is diagnosing it. He thinks it may just be a few minor things, so hopefully I can just pay a little to get it fixed. We had my company picnic last Sunday and it was so are some pictures from someone else's camera...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Garden is in!

Well I finally got my husband to plant my garden with's in and all set up with drip system, now we wait. We planted cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini and cantaloupe. I hope that they make it...the plants are new for us I have only ever grown from seeds. I took some pictures but since our home computer crashed I cannot download them yet. Getting it fixed this next week from my work. I am so glad to work for such a great company.

Our company picnic is this weekend and we can bring as many people as we want. What? Yep - so we are taking my mom but I think we might take Scott's parents too. Who knows. Fun for all. Then next month we get to go on an all paid retreat to a horse ranch in Quincy. We pay for breakfast and gas to get there. Can you say...I am so lucky to have things work out the way they did. I feel like part of the family and so appreciated. It was hard at the time to see that something beter was out there for me as it was rough having no job through the Holiday Season. I felt like such a non-giver to the family. Now, that is all changed. I am so happy! Love life, love my husband and my little boy! Life is good!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Revenge, not sure...

So, if you read my post yesterday - you know I was upset and this is my blog so I can say what I want right?

Well, the person I was talking about left a comment that was how I was the bad guy for not contacing her first, I figured as much. I don't know how email and text messages were not relayed, but I got 4 from her today (text messages) that were cut off but that her mom was supposed to email me an invite but in post was that it was coming by mail? or maybe text message not clear? Should I have to contact someone to be invited to a baby shower? What? She was upset that I did not contact her first about this and that I posted a blog about it. Uh, I did not post ANY personal information about ANYTHING!

I sent her an email separate from here, but not sure if she will get it. Should I text back and then have more things gets mis-communicated?


P.S. I guess I am such a bad person that she is not longer following my blog. Shame on me for wanting to do something nice for someone.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

People never seize to amaze me...

Ever think you know someone, that you have only know for a short while and then they kind of crap on you? I am not saying that I have known this person for awhile, but at the time I met them I had made a HUGE life change to change jobs, and she seemed like a welcoming co-worker. Then 4 months later I was laid off with nothing on the back burner and a whole lotta confidence gone. I was actually asked one time if I was stupid or something by another person I worked with? Nice huh?

Sorry - got distracted...anyway - only knew this person for a short while, we talked every day at work and ate together, shopped for eachother at lunch when we went to the store, made and drank coffee together, etc. I was one of the few that knew at first she was having a baby, was so happy for her, tried to go to lunch once in awhile after I was no longer there but life does happen and she then was restricted on what she could eat due to gestational diabetes, really have not talked to her allot, but keep updated on her blog...well I checked it today and she had her baby shower...awhile ago she texted me that she needed my new address for her showers coming up - one for family and one for friends, I texted her back with where we live now and have been waiting for an invite.

Now let's be honest, I was not too sure on attending,
1. because it is out of town
2. May make me feel uncomfortable to be around people I don't know or people who I used to work with, but if she had really expressed that she wanted me there I would have gone.
3. we have not talked for awhile.

But come on, why ask for my address and then not even send an invite. I went and got a gift as soon as she posted what her theme was. Now what do I do? Do I send it anyway? Do I take it back and save the money? Do I act like the bigger person and just act like nothing happened? I feel as though I shouldn't be mad but as I type this it hurts my feelings. I am only human and I shared allot of personal stuff to her about my pregnancy, birth and then after when my son got sick. - maybe she never wanted to hear all those things and just listened to me talk - not sure. I am not sure about allot of things right now. I just kills me that I, as a person put myself out there so willingly and openly only to get hurt. Maybe hurt is not the word, because like I said, I did not know this person very long but I thought that she was nice and seemed to be genuine. Maybe she thinks of me as the stalker friend that she talked crap to me about.

She got me started on this blog and will probably be reading this and then I will be the bad guy for hurting feelings, but I feel as though this cannot go unnoticed. Life is too short to not say how you feel.

...and I feel HURT!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So, new news, hmmm... let me seeee....oh yeah Tanner broke his arm...7 hours in emergency room on Saturday night with all the drunks and crackheads during a 3 day weekend, fractured in 3 places - Good flippin times!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May-somewhere in the middle

Good Day!

I have been completely overwhelmed with how busy things are that I barely have time to get on here and check the blogs I am addicted too!

We have been talking about having another baby and I think w are almost ready. Tanner starts Kindergarten in August and so with moving, getting EVERYTHING taken care of - I forgot all that is entailed when moving, which is weird because we were just in our last place under 3 years, we are still in the talking stage but are leaning more towards adding another to the family. Tanner is so excited and talks about his baby "brother" all the time. I don't think he will accept a baby sister at all. He wants to give her back and have a brother. I would be happy either way and just want a healthy baby. Healthy!!!! Can I repeat that! ? Healthy! We are nervous to keep the next one in until the first round of shot at 2 months old and to not have too many people hold and kiss all over, but who does not want to love on a new baby? I am guilty. The only thing that keep rolling around in my head, am I ready for no sleep again. Let's face it Tanner is not the best sleeper and we never did the "cry it out" well. He is such an emotional little being, he really is quite hurt by it and takes it personal. He is almost scared to be without one of us at all times, which is good because then we know where he is at, well - most of the time.

Work is Fantastic!!! Our new house is awesome and we are happy, wait did I say that? Yes, we are happy. Now if we can just be rich then... Nope I can do without the money to have the great life I do now with Scott and Tanner. We truly love to spend time with each other and appreciate each new day, for there may never be tomorrow.

Love to you all.

Friday, April 24, 2009


So, I have been a lagger on here lately but have great intentions to post...I got some new pictures from my sister in law and thought "let's post them!" This is my son Tanner, he is the love in my heart. Everyday I have with him is such a blessing from the "MOTHER!" to "Mommy hold me", he always manages to melt my heart. With all the hussle and bussle of our lives lately I think I must take a moment to reflect on how lucky I am to be a mother to such a great little kid. At the end of the day, no matter how much I hate things and having no money to the crappy way people treat eachother, he smiles and says "I missed you today" and every and I mean every time it brings tears to my eyes and makes all things better. Eventually everything gets paid and people get what they deserve for how they treat people and I catch up on sleep, etc. Life always seems to work out, but when you are an overthinker like me you tend to freak out over nothing and then look back and say "what the hell was I freaking out for?" Enjoy the pictures, I did.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Someone pinch me, it's a new post!

It's been too long, but seems like something is always coming up. We moved and are all done with getting things over to new house, cleaning old one and doing final walkthrough. SO, now we just wait for our security deposit and I can thankfully say we are D to the O to the N to the E! This move was unexpected and not welcomed at first as we were asked to leave - 60 days notice - and we still don't know why...but maybe this is not about is at all - don't know. In order to not post a book, let's just say that this was a blessing in disguise. We found a great house for just a little bit more a month and one more bedroom - I am starting to hear little pitter patter of feet in the back of my head. Well, maybe...

Easter is this weekend and one of my favorite Holidays since we had Tanner. He loves to hunt eggs and we have the perfect backyard to do a great hunt this year. Plus he has several more hunts at grandparents and Caper Acres too. Should be a great weekend, stay tuned for pictures.

I promise to start posting more, it's easier that way, then I don't have to go back through my clogged brain and try to explain how I was feeling about things, day to day is the immediate reaction to what's up...

Take care!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Okay, I am here....
It's been a long while, So let's catch up...How long has it been?

Since November, well, My hours were cut in the beginning of November (at a job I started in July) - words do not express how I have been feeling... and since then I have been in a funk, well maybe depressed/worried/freaking out/not sure of things, all of the above. Then 2 days after my 35th Birthday I was completely laid off...WTF? Upset at my employer, disappointed in myself I collected unemployment, tried to have a positive attitude everyday but I was NOT happy. What was I supposed to do, people are getting laid off left and right, Christmas was a few weeks were we going to live...I turned to my husband and said things have to work out, I will not fail! He said give it to him...What? Give it to God, he will take care of you, but you have to be willing to have faith that he will help you with this. Well, being the person I am-I have to see immediate results or things are not happening. I tried to pick up on any little thing that would help me to see that I was not in this alone. Friends started coming around more, my family was supportive and creditors were willing to work with us on paying just the basics...I looked for a job day and night, tried to spend quality time with my son on my time off but I was completely distracted. I worked here and there trying to bring in as much money as possible, went on some interviews-and then we played the waiting game - tick tock tick tock...

We made it through the Holidays and then New Year's - New year New start right - You betcha...A week before Xmas I went on 3 interviews - All jobs were great and I was confused, what if they all offer me a position? Who do I choose? Do I go for money or happiness? What am I doing? Well, none of them called, so I started calling them...followed up and dropped in...

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!! I started the 3rd week of January and I could not be happier! I am a receptionist, scheduler, data entry, all of the above! I love it here. I have never been happier. We are getting back on track with our bills, I see the little light at the end of the tunnel instead of the road block and things are looking up - now if the rest of the world would get on board then things might get better...

God is good and he does know what is best for us all, we just have to give it to him....(thanks Babe for pulling me back to reality)

Thank you for all of you and you know who you are that helped me through this - I love you so much...


Monday, January 26, 2009

nope, i am still alive.

Just thought I would post something to let all of my 2 followers know I am still alive. Promise to post more soon...