Friday, November 21, 2008

Flash Gordon!

Too cute for words!

It's Finally Friday!

It's been so long since I have posted, so much has happened...

Halloween was a blast, Tanner was Flash Gordon, people mistook him for a Power Ranger - which I soon corrected them, being the know it all I am...but we wanted something different as we usually do, and his costume was perfect!

The week after Halloween I was put down to part time at my work - whole other story in itself. Let's just say the economy has hit hard. I have been in a slump since then and really depressed and worried. I am thankful to have a job and have been approved for unemployment to make up for the lost hours. I went back to work for Orkin in the mornings for CASH! SO, that is helping to pay the bills - well when they call for being due...again, another story in itself.

I am choosing to on a day to day basis to have good days - sometimes I lose it and just cry all day over nothing and other days I am a little upbeat. I know we have made it through worse and as long as we have each other (me, Scott and Tanner) we can and will make it through ANYTHING! - today is a good day if you were wondering! :-)

Oh and my co-worker is pregnant but waiting to tell everybody when she hits that 12 week mark, I am so happy for her and hope all goes well for her and the pregnancy. I brought the baby some french fries yesterday...SHE liked them, that's right I said she...that is my prediction anyway. Good Luck Kory and Grant with this whole new adventure that you have taken on!

Signing off for now!