Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Revenge, not sure...

So, if you read my post yesterday - you know I was upset and this is my blog so I can say what I want right?

Well, the person I was talking about left a comment that was how I was the bad guy for not contacing her first, I figured as much. I don't know how email and text messages were not relayed, but I got 4 from her today (text messages) that were cut off but that her mom was supposed to email me an invite but in post was that it was coming by mail? or maybe text message not clear? Should I have to contact someone to be invited to a baby shower? What? She was upset that I did not contact her first about this and that I posted a blog about it. Uh, I did not post ANY personal information about ANYTHING!

I sent her an email separate from here, but not sure if she will get it. Should I text back and then have more things gets mis-communicated?


P.S. I guess I am such a bad person that she is not longer following my blog. Shame on me for wanting to do something nice for someone.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, get over it already! she isn't worth it and really, honestly, if I have one you can come to mine! LOL. LOVE YOU....